Countdown to Marathon – 5 Days

As I look back on my training, “5” stands for the time I got up most weekends to complete my long training runs.  Normally, getting up that early is no big deal since I do it every day for work…but for some reason when it happens on a weekend it just seems like it should be against the law.  As hard as it sometimes was, I really am going to miss running in the calm and quiet darkness (sometimes in less than 20 degree temperatures) and then watching the usually awesome sunrise.  In addition, it feels kind of cool after finishing a long run to look at your clock and realize most (sane) people are still in bed.

That said, after this weekend, I plan on laying in my bed until 5:00 pm just because I can.  (Okay, I will go crazy if I did that, so maybe 8:00 am).  I’m so looking forward to not having anywhere to go before businesses are open, not shoving another peanut butter and banana sandwich in my face with only the light of the moon to guide me and then sustaining on a supply of energy chews and water for the next 3 hours….Sunday can’t get here soon enough!!!!!

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